श्री. देवेंद्र फडणवीस माननीय मुख्यमंत्री |
श्री. एकनाथ शिंदे माननीय उपमुख्यमंत्री |
श्री. अजित पवार माननीय उपमुख्यमंत्री |
Exam Related Notifications
"Attendance Sheet of (POST-CERTIFICATE) ONCOLOGICAL NURSING year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Attendance Sheet of (POST-CERTIFICATE) PAEDIATRIC NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Attendance Sheet of (POST-CERTIFICATE) PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Hall Ticket List of Hall Ticket ONCOLOGICAL NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Hall Ticket List of Hall Ticket PAEDIATRIC NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Hall Ticket List of Hall Ticket PSYCHIATRIC Mental HEALTH NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Hall Ticket List of Hall Ticket PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Seat Number List of GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY SECOND YEAR year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Seat Number List of (POST-CERTIFICATE) PAEDIATRIC NURSING year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Seat Number List of (POST-CERTIFICATE) ONCOLOGICAL NURSING year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Seat Number List of (POST-CERTIFICATE) PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
"Center Wise Institute List of GNM 2nd year 2020-21 Regular Examination"
Other Notifications
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2021-22"
"Notification regarding Affiliation Fee for the Academic year 2018-19 and 2019-20"
"Revised Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2019-20"
"Revised Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Urgent Notification regarding AISHE"
"Urgent Notification regarding Mahadbt"
"Notification regarding Proposal"
Institute wise Seat Number List of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Seat number list with Exempted Subject of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Seat number list with Exempted Subject of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Center Institute List of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Attendance Sheet List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Attendance Sheet List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Urgent Notification regarding AISHE
Hall Tickets of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Seat number list of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Seat number list of ANM 1st year Supplemetary Examination 2019-20
Examination Time Table of ANM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Exam for A.Y. 2019-20
Examination Time Table of GNM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Exam for A.Y. 2019-20
Notice regarding online application for Diploma Certificate
Notification for GNM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Notification for term wise Internal marks for fresher Students of ANM/GNM Supplementary Exam 2019-20
Urgent Notification regarding ANM/GNM enrollment of 1st year students for A.Y. 2019-20
Notification for ANM 1st & ANM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20Supplementary Exam Time Table ANM A.Y.2018-19
Notification for Regarding Marksheets of ANM 2nd Year 2018-19 Examination
Notification for GNM 1st & GNM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Urgent Attention: Notice regarding online application for Diploma Certificate
Notification for ANM 1st & ANM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Notification Regarding Submitting Inspection Information
Urgent Notification regarding Extension of Date of ANM/GNM enrollment for A.Y. 2019-20
<a href="https://www.msbnpe.org/pdf/Inspection Information.jpg"Notification Regarding Submitting Inspection Information
Urgent Notification regarding ANM/GNM enrollment of students for A.Y. 2019-20
Court Judgement ANM, GNM Admission 2019-20
Notification and Hall Tickets of LHV Oct-2019 Examination
Top Five Rank Student List- ANM & GNM Regular Exam July 2018-19
Notice-GNM 1st and 2nd Year 2018-19 Result & Re-Totaling
महाराष्ट्र राज्य शुश्रुषा व परावैद्यक शिक्षण मंडळ कायदा 2013 मधील सेक्शन 5(1) नुसार मंडळाची स्थापना
Notice-ANM 1st and 2nd Year 2018-19 Result & Re-Totaling
Urgent notification regarding ANM and GNM Examination July 2019
LHV (ANM Promotional) Examination Time Table for A.Y. 2019-20
Government Inspection Fees Notification-Increase seat
Notice Regarding EBC National Scholarship
Important Notice regarding AISHE
GNM (3yrs) Oral Practical Examination Sheet
Oral and Practical Schedule of GNM 1st Year Regular Exam for A.Y. 2018-19
Oral and Practical Schedule of GNM 2nd Year Regular Exam for A.Y. 2018-19